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Self Defense 


This program is being offered for those who either do not have the time or desire to train in traditional martial arts but would like the ability to protect themselves and their loved ones. Learning how to be self aware and self confident is as much an important factor as learning how to defend yourself. Students learn a vast array of self defense techniques from standing confrontations, ground escapes, to weapons disarms. The key to this learning is utilizing gross motor skills rather than fine motor skills which can shut down during high stress confrontations. 

Saturday Class

This class is based off of statistical attacks common in today's society. With this class you have the ability to jump in with little or no experience and learn proper techniques to help you gain an advantage to avoid or escape situations. 

13+ only

Class price for non Tiger-Rock members: $10 per class

Friday: 6pm Saturday: 11am

Private Lessons

These lessons can be specifically designed for your needs. From basic bully prevention to close quarters empty hand combat training we will cater to what you would like to learn. These lessons are available for all age groups.

Private lesson price for non Tiger-Rock members: $20 per half hour

See our private lesson page or call for time availability.

Small Groups

Set up a small group private lesson at our location in a 2 hour block on a Saturday or Sunday. These lessons can be specifically designed for your needs. If prefered we offer a female only class taught by Nikki Finney.


On Location

We have the ability to come to your location and set up a program specifically for you or your business. Give your employees an edge up against possible threats inside and outside the workplace. These lessons can be set up in a 2 hour or 4 hour block.


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